The English language is as beautiful as it is tricky. Take the word “blue” for example – everyone shares a different interpretation of what blue looks like, hence the creation of more explicit words like sapphire, cerulean, azure, cyan or aquamarine to provide finer distinctions between shades. Although you can use visual aids to help audiences understand the variations in colour, other words can be far less discernible (and tangible). Join Wordsmith as we take a look at 10 word pairings that even writing veterans can jumble up!
Read MoreUsing Data Insight to Create Better Content
It’s estimated that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated every day. As we’re about to enter 2020, research indicates that there will be 1.7MB of data created every second for every person on earth. We’re no data scientists, but we do know that’s an unprecedented amount of data, and it’s only expected to increase. But what does this have to do with content marketers?
We can no longer deny the inextricable link between big data and great content. In today’s marketing world, our content decisions are no longer guided solely by hypothesis and past success. Truly influential marketing content is now created from insights attained through consumer analytics and big data. Far from being a vacuum of numbers on a spreadsheet, by successfully utilising consumer data and predictive analytics, brands can not only create unique, personalised content but also generate better return on investment (ROI) with raw insights that have an overarching effect on brand strategies and decisions that have the potential to impact the business as a whole.
Read MorePoetically capturing catchiness (part 4)
There’s more to creating a compelling narrative than just throwing words on a page. If you’ve followed our previous articles featuring Mark Forsyth’s book: The Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase, then you’re already familiar with several nifty literary devices used to manipulate word and sentence structuring (click here for parts 1, 2 and 3). Join Wordsmith as we examine how to apply poetic devices to improve your copy.
Read MoreA guide to the collaborative writing process
There’s a saying that two heads (or more!) are better than one, but how does collaboration fare in the world of writing? Although copywriters are stereotyped as lone wolves by many, there are instances where we need to work with others to clear large hurdles – especially for time sensitive or bulky assignments. While having more opinions and perspectives can be beneficial during group writing tasks, improper planning may cause more headaches than good! Curious to find out more? Read on…
Read MoreHow to Captivate Your Audiences with Episodic Content
By 2022, Cisco forecasts that video traffic will account for 82% of all consumer internet traffic. In light of this evidence, it’s hard to deny that video content is having a moment. Writers need not to fear though: the written word is here to stay. But as video marketing becomes more and more prevalent, so does the need to elevate it in the content marketing mix, and to use that content to connect consumers to a larger, more humanized brand experience.
Brand strategists and social media marketers alike have operated for years under the impression that snackable pieces of video content make for a seamless and popular in-feed experience, but we think long-form content is making a comeback – especially when it comes to serialized video content and long-form visual storytelling. And it’s a trend that’s spreading fast.
Read More10 words that people commonly misuse
From audism (the belief that people who can hear are superior to the deaf) to zoonosology (the study of animal diseases), there are no shortage of words in the English language to express ourselves or describe the things around us. However, certain words are inconspicuously alike – be it in their pronunciation, spelling and/or meaning. These sorts of mix-ups can happen regularly, but they become significantly more embarrassing when misused in a business or professional setting! Join Wordsmith as we explore some common mistakes in usage.
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Breaking down Black Friday and retail lingo
Long ago, November was a time of rejoicing and giving thanks for the family, friends and blessings in our lives. This all changed when “Black Friday” (a day of mass retail sales following Thanksgiving Day) became what Americans looked forward to most in the month – shifting thoughts away from thankfulness to big, big savings on an enormous flat-screen TV. With but a few keywords and promises of huge savings, businesses seem to wrap us in the tendrils of temptation. Join Wordsmith as we examine how simple copywriting techniques create powerful shopping urges.
Read MoreWriting satire: how the animation titans pull it off
Animations and cartoons are often stereotyped as mindless entertainment aimed at young audiences, but not all animated works fall within this trope. In the name of satire, some cartoons aimed at older viewers (like Rick and Morty, South Park or The Simpsons) often feature offensive or politically incorrect themes to mock contemporary culture, politics or even countries. Let’s take a look at how the writers of these shows get away with it.
Read More4 Content Marketing Trends that can help your brand stand out
Ever since Microsoft Founder Bill Gates said, “Content is king” in 1996, it has become the axiom of digital marketing, and as we’re about to enter 2020 – these words still ring true.
With more brands vying for attention than ever before, standing out in an increasingly crowded market space comes with a unique set of challenges. However, with the continuous rise of new technologies and an even wider net of content distribution channels, brands are finding new and innovative ways to promote their high-quality content with audiences that are only too keen to listen.
As it stands, research from the Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs found that 86% of B2C businesses use content marketing to reach customers, but only 38% of these brands have a concrete content strategy in place to track, monitor and assess their results. To make the most of your content marketing efforts, Wordsmith brings you the four most prominent content marketing trends for 2020 that you should strongly consider implementing into your content strategy.
Read MoreElevating copywriting with multisensory storytelling (part 3)
We use our senses to perceive how rich (or dull) the world around us is, and they play a very similar role in copywriting. Writing that does not touch upon sensual imagery (pun intended) comes across as flat and lifeless, while stories that tingle across the senses can seemingly build the most vivid worlds. Having already gone through touch, taste, smell and sound in our previous articles, we’re left with the most popular (and powerful) member of the sense family: sight.
Read MoreGetting into writing with the “write” prompts
There’s a misconception that to write, you need to have the “gift” for it. While it certainly helps to have a knack for putting thoughts into words, we believe that writing is something that anyone can do once they’ve put in the hours and effort. If you’ve wanted to write but let the nagging voice in your head dissuade you (eg. “you can’t write, give up” or “who’d want to read anything you write”), read on and learn how to silence that naysayer!
Read More3 Not-So-Obvious Ways to Cultivate Your Creativity
The word “creativity” often conjures up the image of an artist hard at work—a painter splashing colour onto a blank canvas to create the next masterpiece or a writer churning out a great novel. While these images do represent a certain kind of creative expression, “creativity” as a process, shouldn’t be restricted to artistic fields alone.
As American author and photographer, James Clear, explains, “The creative process is the act of making new connections between old ideas or recognising relationships between concepts.” This definition opens up the concept that everyone, regardless of their profession, has the potential to be creative. Recent research shows there’s a significant gap between the value we place on creative thinking and how often we flex our creative muscles. It’s time we learn how to close that gap and focus on cultivating creativity as part of our daily routines.
Read MorePoetically capturing catchiness (part 3)
From alliterations and allusions to polyptotons, antitheses, merisms and blazons, Mark Forsyth and his book The Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase has provided ingenious ways on how to create memorable copy. Today, we’ll be digging deeper into the world of clever literary manipulation – some of which have the unfortunate consequence of making you sound like a maniac when used improperly!
Read MoreDoes alcohol or caffeine help with writing?
The great writer Ernest Hemingway once allegedly said, “write drunk, edit sober.” Although it’s been debunked that he ever said anything of the sort, it’s undeniable that the man enjoyed his drinks and treated alcohol like his muse. On the other hand, us copywriters are rarely seen without our trusty mugs of coffee or tea – because frankly, any assignment without caffeine can feel like running a marathon through a swamp. Whether your poison is alcohol or caffeine, these pick-me-ups can seemingly work wonders, but do these substances actually enhance our writing performance? Read on to find out more…
Read MoreRemembering Roald Dahl
What do a factory filled with revolutionary confectionary wonders and a magic-infused colossal peach have in common? How about a shadowy society of children-hating witches and a rogue vegetarian dream-catching giant? Believe it or not, the above are all story ideas penned by the legendary author Roald Dahl. Writing for children is notoriously difficult, but Dahl captivates the minds of even the most fickle bunch. How did he go about writing such hits? Join Wordsmith as we celebrate the brilliance that is the world of Dahl.
Read MoreHow to Solve the 3 Most Common Brand Awareness Problems
When you’re thirsty do you order a carbonated soft drink or ask for a “Coke”? If you need to write something down, do you grab a repositionable note or a “Post-It”? Sometimes a brand is so popular it becomes an actual trademark name for the product itself – and here lies the holy grail of effective brand awareness.
Unlike Pay Per Clicks and social shares, brand awareness is often difficult to quantify, but this doesn’t mean it’s not an extremely valuable component that helps push potential leads further down the marketing funnel. Brand awareness has the power to establish connections with new customers, build your brand equity with current customers, increase consumer loyalty, boost sales and most importantly, keep your brand top of mind.
At Wordsmith, we believe building brand awareness should be at the core of every content marketing strategy decision, from a product launch press release to your most recent tweet. So, how do you overcome the 3 most common brand awareness hurdles? Read on to find out.
Read MoreThe most dangerous writing challenge
Have you ever tried writing without a plan?
Staring blankly into the void as you try to think of something to put onto the page...
If you feel like writing is something that comes naturally to you, put yourself to the test with "The Most Dangerous Writing App", and challenge yourself to write non-stop for five minutes.
Read MoreMaking the cut – third draft’s the charm
Pride flows through you as you reread your second draft. You’ve got all the core components, your message is clear and you’ve structured your sentences perfectly to ensure a concise flow. Does this mean your article is ready for publishing? We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Steve Harrison (author of How to Write Better Copy) thinks there is still work to be done. Before you flip the table in frustration, let Wordsmith offer a few choice words in favour of a third draft.
Read MoreTo unite or divide: how leaders inspire action
Not everyone can become a great leader, but a great leader can come from anywhere. Regardless of their background, leaders step up during times of need – bringing people together and inspiring the masses to take action for a greater good. However, whether people come together or become divided is ultimately determined by how leaders convey their messages. Join Wordsmith as we examine how a few words can spark inspiration… or outrage.
Read MoreHow to Write Clickable Headlines That Google Will Love
Everything happens in the headline. As content marketing efforts continue to increase for modern brands, so has the need for enticing, clickable headlines in online copy. First impressions matter – and articles are no exception. Whether you’re creating a long-form thought-leadership article, a pithy press release, blog post or email marketing campaign, the title should not only grab the reader’s attention, but also lead them further down the yellow brick road to conversion.
Aside from attracting potential customers, copywriters need to also think about relevant keywords and character length in order to climb the ranks of Search Engine Result Pages (SERP).
So, how do you seamlessly cater to the needs of both customers and Google bots? Fortunately, Wordsmith has 3 top tips to craft engaging headlines that will get your content noticed. Read on!
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